Bitsafe Business Accounts
Bitsafe Business Accounts are designated to businesses. Businesses include sole proprietorships, partnerships or corporate entities. Sole proprietorships are companies that exists out of one person, and where in most cases there is no or limited number of staff members. Partnerships are companies that exists out of two or more partners where one, two or all of the partners are ultimately responsible for their partnership. Corporate entities includes companies based on shares, foundations or other corporate entity types.
Bitsafe Business Account are subject to a screening process by Bitsafe's compliance department. The screening includes completing a Bitsafe Business Account Application Form that includes a range of questions about the business and the structure, and the future use of the Bitsafe Business Account.
Bitsafe Business Accounts can use the Mass Transfers Tool to complete payments to more than one recipient in one go.
The Bitsafe Debit Card is not available for Bitsafe Business Accounts.
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